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Diplomat Speaks On Standoffs Islamabad And Ic 814

Diplomat speaks on standoffs, Islamabad and IC 814

Former Indian diplomat KC Singh speaks on the 1999 Kargil conflict and the 2001 IC 814 hijacking.

KC Singh says that the Kargil conflict was a ‘watershed moment’ in India-Pakistan relations.

Former Indian diplomat KC Singh has said that the 1999 Kargil conflict was a ‘watershed moment’ in India-Pakistan relations.

Singh, who was India’s ambassador to Pakistan from 1992 to 1995, said that the conflict “changed the dynamics of the relationship” between the two countries.

“The Kargil conflict showed that Pakistan was willing to use military force to achieve its political objectives,” Singh said.

“This was a major shift from the past, when Pakistan had always maintained that it would not use military force against India.”

Singh said that the Kargil conflict also showed that Pakistan was “not a reliable partner” in the peace process.

“Pakistan had agreed to a ceasefire in 1999, but it continued to support the militants who were fighting in Kargil,” Singh said.

“This showed that Pakistan was not serious about finding a peaceful solution to the Kashmir issue.”

Singh said that the Kargil conflict has also had a negative impact on the economic relationship between India and Pakistan.

“The conflict has led to a sharp decline in trade between the two countries,” Singh said.

“This has hurt the economies of both countries.”

Singh said that the Kargil conflict is a reminder of the challenges that India and Pakistan face in building a peaceful relationship.

“The conflict showed that both countries need to be willing to compromise and to work together to find a solution to the Kashmir issue,” Singh said.

“The Kargil conflict is a reminder that war is not the answer to the problems that India and Pakistan face.”

KC Singh says that the IC 814 hijacking was a ‘traumatic experience’ for the passengers and crew.

Singh also spoke about the 2001 IC 814 hijacking, in which a group of Pakistani terrorists hijacked an Indian Airlines plane and flew it to Kandahar in Afghanistan.

Singh said that the hijacking was a “traumatic experience” for the passengers and crew.

“The hijackers were armed with guns and explosives, and they threatened to kill the passengers if their demands were not met,” Singh said.

“The passengers and crew were forced to live in fear for days, and they did not know if they would ever see their loved ones again.”

Singh said that the Indian government eventually negotiated the release of the passengers and crew in exchange for the release of three terrorists who were being held in Indian prisons.

“The release of the terrorists was a controversial decision, but it was made in order to save the lives of the passengers and crew,” Singh said.

“The IC 814 hijacking was a reminder of the threat that terrorism poses to India and the world.”

Singh said that India needs to take strong measures to counter terrorism.

“India needs to strengthen its border security and its intelligence agencies,” Singh said.

“India also needs to work with other countries to combat terrorism.”


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